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Our Offer

Products and services

Domino Tracking is the state-of-the-art solution to protect your vehicle from theft. Our method consists of combining several prevention techniques to offer a “system” that acts from several angles, to ensure your safety.

Our Expertise

Our methodology, our databases, our collaboration with the authorities and our efficiency statistics have resulted in the support of many insurers who recommend DOMINO Tracking to their customers.

Strict Installation Protocol
Preventive Marking
Long Lasting Autonomy
Hidden Parts Identification
Precise GPS Locator
Dissuasive Logos
Real Time Positioning
Database Central
Canada & US Coverage
Collaboration with Authorities
Double Antitheft Protection
24/7 Central in Case of Theft
In Case of Theft

We take charge of your file and our 24/7 central ensures support at all times.

In short, Domino Tracking is a complete and effective solution to protect your vehicle against theft. With a combination of state-of-the-art technology, extensive coverage, deterrent marking and collaboration with the relevant authorities, Domino Tracking is the ideal solution for maximum safety of your vehicle.

In Case of Theft

A Team Specialized in the Field of Prevention

About Us